Value of time | Composition | Essay

Value of time

Introduction: The value of time in our life in this world knows no bounds.  Life is short but art is long. If we do not make the best use of time it is not possible for us to complete these works.

Value of time: Time is the most valuable asset in the world. Time never stays for anybody. It just goes on and on.  “Time and tide Waite for none- is a valuable proverb.

Proper use of time: Our life is nothing but the collection of some moments. For the proper use of the time, we should have a time table. We should follow the routine for the proper use of time. Our daily work should be centered around the routine.

Importance: Waste of time is a crime. Those who waste time can never make progress in life. Time once lost is lost forever. We are born for a short span of life. But we have to do many things in life. A punctual man may shine in life.

Value of time in idle life: Only the idle sits idly and makes no attempt to do a work which they must do. They meet failure in life and suffer in the end. They cannot even earn their livelihood. They are the burdens of a country. Everybody hates them.

Value of time in student life: student life is the seed-time of life. A student who does not know the value of time can never be successful.

Conclusion: We are the supreme creation of Allah. So we should not waste our time. The proper use of time is the key to success in life. So we should use the time properly.

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