Your First Day at School/college | The most memorable day of my life | Composition | Essay

Your First Day at School/college
The most memorable day of my life

Introduction: Human life is full of events. Some of these pleasant and we remember it long. My first day at college is a memorable event in my life.

Description of the first day: I heard a lot of things about college education from my elder brothers. I had long been anxiously waiting for this day. The memorable day came at last. It was the 5th of May 2011. My joys knew no bounds. On that day I had my meal well ahead of time and put on my best clothes.

Entrance : At 10 a.m. I entered the college campus with new hopes and aspirations. The College campus was full of students. They were all unknown to me. I was moving here and there, at last, I found a friend of mine.

First period: After a while, the bell of the college rings. I entered into a room where a large number of students were seated on the benches. Just after a second, a fair looking gentleman appeared before us. I came to know that he was a professor of English. The professor called over the rolls. Then there followed a friendly discussion. I listened to his words with rapt attention.

Second period: While the ringing of the bell changed our classroom. We ran to our next classroom to occupy the seat in the first bench. It was our Bangla class. I enjoyed the class pleasantly.

The college library: I went to the college library. I was wondered to see so many books in the library.

Conclusion: At 4 p.m. I left the college with a mind full of joy and new experience. I shall never forget this day. This is indeed the most memorable day in my life and it is my childhood memories.

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