Female education | Composition | Essay

Female education

Introduction: Education is a crying need for all. The woman is one half of our total population. If womenfolk remains illiterate, no nation development can be done. So female education is a must in our country at present.

Necessity: Without the help and whole-hearted co-operation of woman the nation cannot progress. In practical life, the role of a woman is not of less importance than that of the guardian of the family. “The hand that flocks the cradle rules the world,"-is a maxim. A woman rears the infants, builds up to them as a worthy citizen and leader. The woman also plays an important role in the economic field. So to manage the family in a decent way a man depends on his wife. A housewife performs her household affairs, keeps poultry and thus helps the family economically.

Importance: Our prophet Hazrat Muhammad (sm.) laid great importance on the education of both male and female. Without education a woman cannot do anything properly for her children and also cannot help them to lead a worthy life.

Obstacles: Some orthodox people speak against female education and create obstacle to it. In fact, it is an offense. We must educate women in nursing, household, management, child-care, sewing and so on. Thus, they will be able to earn their living independently.

Conclusion: Female education is a vital need for our developing Bangladesh. So we should be up and doing for the spread of female education side by side with men.

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